Resilience Quarterly
Current Issue: Spring 2023
In this quarterly newsletter, we reflect back on our released blog posts, videos, we look ahead at the 2023-24 year, and more…
Winter 2023
In this quarterly newsletter, we reflect back on our “We Hear You” limited series, we reminded ourselves of the meaning behind “Building Your Bounce,” then we touch on Random Acts of Kindness Week/Day 2023, SEL Day 2023, and more…
Fall 2022
Reflecting on the Fall! Looking at the past, at the now and the future, we reshare our DECA Program free slide deck, two back-to-school limited series, we invite you to center resilience with us, and more…
Summer 2022
A summer reflection! Looking back and then at the now and the future, we discuss our latest Let’s Dig Deep limited series installment on “toxic positivity,” share our 2022-23 calendars of virtual trainings and free webinars, give you a new resource while also reminding you of existing resources…
Spring 2022
A new format! Reflecting on the past quarter, we discuss our Let’s Dig Deep limited series installments, the updated DECA Program Readiness & Reflection Tool, and we preview the next quarter…
Winter 2022
Reflecting back on 2021, new research findings supporting use of the DECA Program, an exciting update to the DARS and DERLS, and more!
Fall 2021
Closing out the 10th anniversary year of the FLIP IT book, World Kindness Day, holiday season tips and strategies, and more!
Summer 2021
A new member of the DCRC Team, the 10th anniversary of the FLIP IT book, honest and inspirational stories, and more!
Spring 2021
New research using the DECA Program, Spanish-translated DCRC resources, a new free poster, and more!
Winter 2021
Black History Month, International SEL Day, resources for parents and families, virtual fun, and more!
Fall 2020
Our free webinar on-demand, “Resilience and Racial Equity,” your Tuesday Tips, resilience-building continuing during the pandemic, and more!
Summer 2020
COVID-19 guidance; a reopening of the DCRC Shop; a new library of free resources, and more!
Spring 2020
Resilience-building tips from Dr. Nefertiti Poyner; the DCRC Blog; virtual professional development, and more!
Winter 2020
A new communication format; a FLIP IT and Conscious Discipline crosswalk; closing out our 20th anniversary year, and more!
Fall 2019
New brochures; a DCRC highlight video; mindfulness activity ideas; a spotlight on a growing social and emotional learning program; a new free resource, and more!
Summer 2019
Spanish-translated resources; a new web page for infant and/or early childhood mental health consultants; the DCRC Journal; much more!
Spring 2019
A new web page for our Head Start and Early Head Start friends; a new one-day training topic; DCRC celebrates 20 years; much more!
Winter 2019
DCRC celebrates 20 years; resilience and social-emotional health logic model; FLIP IT! Online Course, 2nd Edition; much more!
Fall 2018
DCRC Director Susan Damico interviewed by Lora Lewis; focusing on togetherness during the holiday season; the DECA Program helps a Bronx program succeed; a new webinar series; much more!
Summer 2018
How DCRC is working to support trauma-informed practices; a webinar for parents; our new mobile-friendly website; back-to-school resources; much more!