Your Journey Together FAQs

Welcome to the Your Journey Together FAQs page! Should you have general questions about the Devereux Center for Resilient Children and our resources and professional development, please visit our general FAQs page.
If your question is not answered below, feel free to contact us directly!
Background Information
Why are there four modules?
The Devereux Center for Resilient Children model for promoting resilience includes strengthening the protective factors of both children and adults, as well as creating environments that promote resilience. The first module explains what it means to be resilient and why it is important. The three remaining modules cover the other three important parts of our resilience-promoting model, including, creating a positive environment, strengthening children’s protective factors, and improving the well-being of the adults providing care to children.
What do you mean when you say the curriculum is designed for "vulnerable children and families"?
Vulnerable children and families are those who have experienced significant risk or challenges in their life. Examples of significant risk could be poverty, domestic violence, poor education and schools, lack of supportive relationships, etc. Our definition also includes children and families who have experienced traumatic events.
Can the curriculum be used with any parent or family?
Yes, all children and families need to be resilient in order to bounce back from life’s challenges!
Is the curriculum evidence-based?
The development process used to create YJT was both research- and consumer-informed and included researching and incorporating trauma-informed practices, reviewing literature specific to children and families involved in child welfare services, pilot testing the curriculum with families involved in the child welfare system, and incorporating feedback from a team of cross-disciplinary experts serving at-risk children and families” (Your Journey Together, 2015). The staff of DCRC continue to conduct research to build the evidence base for this program. These studies evaluate both the efficacy (does YJT result in positive changes for families) and the effectiveness (can community-based providers get the same positive results under real-life conditions) of YJT.
Is the curriculum culturally sensitive?
There is much guidance for the coach throughout the curriculum related to making the lessons and activities relevant for each family. In order to ensure that the curriculum is culturally sensitive, the coach needs to reflect on the guidance provided and review the curriculum in light of the individual and community characteristics of the families served. If indicated, the coach may want to consider having the program reviewed by a representative with cultural expertise from a specific community.
Does the curriculum address children with special needs?
The YJT Coach can certainly use information included in YJT for all children. In order to meet the specific needs of children with special needs, the coach could make adaptations that would be most appropriate to meet the needs of the particular family.
How do I access the YJT online coach portal?
When you purchase a kit, you are given a password to access the portal.
YJT Implementation
How long does it take to deliver the curriculum?
There are 29 lessons within the YJT curriculum and each lesson is designed to be delivered in 15-20 minutes. Whether delivering YJT in individual sessions or in groups, a coach should plan on a total of approximately 8-10 hours for complete delivery. This timeframe can be broken down into segments that best meet the needs of the family and agency.
Can the curriculum be used with parents of school-age children?
Yes. While much of the content relates to families with young children ages 4 weeks to 6 years old, there are resources available to support families with children up to 18 years old. These resources can be found in the YJT coach portal.
Can the curriculum be used with parents and children together?
YJT lessons are designed to be delivered to parents/caregivers only. Each lesson does include leave-behind activities, many of which parents can do with their children in between sessions. Coaches may also assist parents in implementing some of the strategies that parents select for their children.
Do I have to deliver all four modules of the curriculum?
We recommend use of all 4 modules as best practice. However, Module 1 is the only required one. Whichever modules you choose to deliver, Module 1 should be delivered first. Module 1 is foundational because it introduces resilience.
Do I have to deliver the modules in order?
No. However, Module 1 (Introducing Resilience) should always be delivered prior to delivering any other module.
Can YJT be delivered in different ways?
Yes. The content of YJT can be delivered in individual (home or office) settings, in small or large groups or in some combination of ways. While the content in the coach guide is written in the voice of an individual session, the coach could easily design some activities for groups to reinforce the content of each lesson. There are key Power Point slides available for each module that can be accessed through the password protected coach portal. These slides would be suitable to use with groups of parents.
Do I have to use the DECA with the curriculum?
DCRC strongly encourages use of the DECA. Using a strength-based, reliable and valid tool provides valuable information to inform the implementation of YJT. More information regarding purchasing the DECA. If a program chooses not to use the DECA for any reason, handout 3.8 can be used to guide the child resilience-building plan.
Can I use this curriculum with parents who have low literacy skills, intellectual or developmental disabilities?
All YJT lessons and strategies are written simply, but may require additional adaptations in order to best meet the needs of some parents. Activities and lessons can be easily adapted by the coach for parents who struggle with reading.
Can I use this curriculum with parents who have mental health or substance abuse problems?
The YJT curriculum was not specifically designed for use with parents who struggle with mental health or substance abuse issues, and it does not replace treatment for these issues. Parents must be able to engage in 15 minute activities with a coach and follow-through with simple practice of selected strategies. Module 4 (Promoting Adult Resilience) would be an excellent addition to treatment in supporting parents who may be struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues.
What if I am using another curriculum?
YJT is designed to complement your existing resources, so you can use both as you see fit.
What if my agency wants to use the DECA at pre- and post-test to evaluate services?
Great! YJT has modules that can incorporate use of the DECA into the curriculum. We encourage use of the DECA with YJT, though it is not required.
What if my agency is already using an assessment of protective factors?
YJT is designed to complement your existing practices, so you can use it in conjunction with the assessment you currently use.
Can I use the DECA-C (Clinical) with this curriculum?
Yes, the DECA-C would provide valuable information for parents and coaches but is not specifically written into YJT. It is important to note that DECA-C users must be trained and meet the professional standards for use.
What training options are available for YJT?
We offer an number of different training options for YJT, and you can learn more by browsing the professional development sections of our website. You can also contact DCRC Director of Professional Development Debi Mahler, at [email protected] or (610) 574-6141.
Future Enhancements
Will you be developing a version that incorporates school-age children?
YJT can be used with school-age children. Many activities are already suitable, and some adapted versions of handouts can also be found on the online coach portal.
Is the curriculum available in other languages, such as Spanish?
Although YJT is not currently available in Spanish, we may be interested in partnering with you if your organization is willing to support funding translation services. Feel free to contact us if interested.
What is the cost of a YJT Kit?
One YJT Kit is $149.95.
What is included in a YJT Kit?
The kit includes a YJT Coach Guide with 29 step-by-step lessons and parent handouts (266 pages), a Building Your Bounce adult resilience journal, parent guides and strategy resources – for infants/toddlers and for preschoolers – and online access to videos, handouts and training materials.
Can I purchase any of the resources and tools separately?
Yes! The Building Your Bounce journal and the strategy resources are available to purchase individually.