Devereux Early Childhood Assessment, Clinical (DECA-C)

The DECA Clinical Form (DECA-C) is designed to be used by early childhood mental health consultants and other mental health professionals with those select children who are already showing significant behavioral concerns. The DECA-C contains all of the strength-based resilience items and scales found on the DECA Preschool Form (DECA-P2), but also assesses social and emotional concerns, including: aggression, attention problems, emotional control problems, and withdrawal/depression. The DECA-C is appropriate for children 2 through 5 years old and is available in both paper and web-based formats.
Kit Contents
Note: Each of these items is available to purchase separately.
DECA Clinical Record Forms
Completed by parents and teachers, the DECA-C assesses aggression, attention problems, emotional control problems, and withdrawal/depression, in addition to attachment/relationships, initiative and self-control. Available in Spanish only on the e-DECA.
DECA Clinical Technical Manual
This manual provides essential information on the development, administration, scoring, interpretations, and utilizations of DECA-C results in assessment, eligibility determinations, intervention planning and outcome evaluation.
DECA Clinical Norms Reference Card
Use this card to identify scores based parent and teacher assessment ratings.
The DECA-C is designed to be interpreted by a qualified mental health or special education professional. A customer qualifications form must be submitted before use of the DECA-C, in the paper or web-based format. For more information on these qualifications, click here.
Take the self-paced online course!
This training opportunity is designed to share information and build skills around the use of the DECA-C tool in the context of a primary prevention and mental health promotion model and used when needs of children cannot be met solely by programming at the universal and targeted levels. Learn more.
Chat with us
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DECA Program (Birth through Five) PowerPoint Presentation
Designed to help you introduce and explain the DECA Program to others (colleagues, parents/families, funders, etc.).