Devereux D.A.N.C.E.R.
Campaigning for Trauma-Sensitive Practices
“This story is so important to me, and I believe to our culture, that if I could dance on the table tops right now to get people to pay attention to it, I would.”– Oprah Winfrey on the topic of childhood trauma
Thank you for joining the Devereux Center for Resilient Children’s campaign to promote the resilience of all children, and to educate yourself and others on the negative impacts of childhood trauma and the need for trauma-sensitive care. The D.A.N.C.E.R. Campaign was inspired by Oprah Winfrey’s powerful 60 Minutes interview about childhood trauma and the healing power of resilience and relationships. Thanks for taking the time to join us as we strive to promote the healthy social and emotional development of children and families nationwide!
Campaign Resources
Free Goodies
Alignment Tool: Using DCRC Resources in Trauma-Sensitive Settings
Burke Harris, N. (2014, September). How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime [Video File]. Retrieved from
The Harvard University Center on the Developing Child on Toxic Stress
[postinstitute]. (2013, March 12). Trauma, Brain & Relationship: Helping Children Heal [Video File]. Retrieved from
Articles, Graphics, Toolkits, etc.
The Truth About ACEs. Retrieved from
Addressing Trauma in Health Care, Schools, and the Community: Greater Newark Healthcare Coalition. (2018, May). Retrieved from
Kelly, J. (2018, March 8). Oprah Putting Trauma-Informed Care, and Bruce Perry, Front and Center. Retrieved from
Renick, C. (2018, May 23). Inside the Bruce Perry Show. Retrieved from
Ginwright, S. (2018, May 31). The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing. Retrieved from
Campbell, K. (2018, April 16). Issue Brief 61 – Addressing Trauma in Early Childhood. Retrieved from
National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Child Welfare Committee. (2011). Birth parents with trauma histories and the child welfare system: A guide for resource parents. Los Angeles, CA, and Durham, NC: National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.
National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Child Welfare Committee. (2008). Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators. Los Angeles, CA, and Durham, NC: National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.
InBrief: The Impact of Early Adversity on Children’s Development. Retrieved from