Building Your Bounce
Self-Paced Online Course

Teachers, parents, and all adults who educate and care for young children are invited to join Dr. Nefertiti Poyner, Early Childhood Specialist and National Trainer with the Devereux Center for Resilient Children, on a journey of discovering strategies that promote adult resilience. This self-paced learning experience shines a light on how adults who prioritize their own well-being have a greater capacity to provide the kind of high-quality care that young children deserve.
Volume pricing available! Buy 10-49 course slots at $27 each. Buy 50 or more course slots at $24 each.
The Building Your Bounce: Promoting Adult Resilience Self-Paced Online Course invites participants to learn how thoughts, behaviors, and actions throughout the day can be used to promote resilience and better manage daily hassles and major life adversities. The course offers research-based, resilience-building strategies that strengthen relationships, promote healthy self-regulation, increase initiative, and teach participants how to be kinder to themselves. Through a series of challenges, participants are actively engaged in learning how the most ordinary moments in the day can transform how we engage with others, talk to ourselves in kinder ways, and find happiness and joy despite the challenges and adversities in life.
This course takes approximately 2.5-3 hours to complete, including interaction, reflection, and application of skills learned. To optimize the learning experience, participants should consider completing one or two sessions at a time rather than all six sessions at once. This approach allows for more reflection and time to apply skills. Keep in mind that you’ll have access for one year from when you are set up. In addition, because promoting resilience is a life-long commitment, participants are encouraged to revisit the sessions within that year of access and use the course “challenges” as ongoing resilience-building tools after the initial course completion.
Watch the following video message about the course from Dr. Nefertiti Poyner, then we invite you to try this free demo prior to purchasing.
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the positive impact of four key protective factors: (1) healthy relationships; (2) positive internal beliefs; (3) initiative; and (4) self-control on the mental health and resilience of adults who care for young children.
- Practice strengthening the four key protective factors through simple exercises that focus on using thoughts, behaviors, and actions that contribute to resilience.
Important to Note
- The optimal browsers to use for taking this course are Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
- Speakers/headphones are required in order to hear the author’s narration.
- You will have access to the course for one year from the date you are set up.
Additional Course Information
- This asynchronous online training is most appropriate for early care and education professionals, teachers, mental health providers, parents, and other allied health professionals who work with young children.
- The course is accessed from our Learning Management System (LMS). Should your organization be interested in licensing the course to be placed on your own LMS, please reach out to Susan Damico at [email protected].
- For more information about adult resilience, explore the rest of this website!
- For more information regarding course content, please contact [email protected].
- Download/print this informational flyer to share with those in your circles!
Accessibility Information
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health is striving to make our course accessible for all learners. This course offers closed captioning and narration transcripts for each lesson.
Continuing Education Information
Continuing education credits are not provided for this course.
State Approvals
This course has been approved by the Kentucky Division of Child Care for Early Care and Education hours. We request that you review the ECE-TRIS calendar to ensure you have the details to receive credit. The ECE-TRIS calendar will also provide details on how to receive credit for the course upon completion.
This course is Ohio Approved through Ohio’s Professional Registry (OCCRRA) and will count toward your Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) Professional Development certificate. Please PREREGISTER for the course (ST #10144164) in the Ohio’s Professional Registry, so that credit can be reflected once the course is completed.
This course is approved by the Pennsylvania Keys to Professional Development for PQAS hours. The course can be accessed on the Pennsylvania Registry. Once logged into the registry, in the “Filter Training” section, type “365231” in the box labeled “Event ID.”
This course is approved by Northern Lights at the Community College of Vermont (CCV), and will count toward professional development hours in Vermont.