Celebrating Week of the Young Child® April 6-12, 2024

The Week of the Young Child® is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the world’s largest early childhood education association. The purpose of the celebration is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.
Our team is always so thrilled to spotlight the Week of the Young Child®. It is our mission to promote social and emotional development and foster resilience in young children, and to support the resilience of the adults caring for them. We work with so many programs across the country, and it would be impossible to express the amount of gratitude they deserve. To all our friends out there taking care of young children, we celebrate you and wish you a fun Week of the Young Child®.
We offer some activity ideas to help you celebrate all week long, and ones that can contribute to the social and emotional well-being of young children, their families, and you!
Kick-off Saturday: Take some time for yourself, reorganize, and re-energize so that you’re ready for the exciting week ahead.
Music Monday: Sing and play music that represents all children’s families, home languages, and cultures. For example, sing nursery rhymes in Spanish and English.
Tasty Tuesday: Invite families to share foods they cook together at home and have a little lunch party.
Work Together Wednesday: Plan small and large group activities that involve children working in pairs or small teams. You could have a mixture of different colored buttons laid out on the floor and assign each child a specific color to collect.
Artsy Thursday: Get out the play dough and invite the children to create a sculpture! You could have them create a sculpture based on something they love.
Family Friday: Invite families to participate in an activity with their children. You could create a scavenger hunt and have the children and their families work together.
To learn more about Week of the Young Child® and to find more activity ideas, click here.
April 1, 2024