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FLIP IT Resource Kit

- Description
Each kit includes:
- FLIP IT! Transforming Challenging Behavior (one copy)
- FLIP IT Practice Picture Book (one copy)
- FLIP IT Bracelets (two)
- FLIP IT Pocket Cards (two)
- FLIP IT Sticker Sheets (two)
Need a quote or interested in purchasing more than 100? Email Lauren Newman.
FLIP IT! Transforming Challenging Behavior: This book teaches the four steps embodied in the FLIP mnemonic (F-Feelings, L-Limits, I-Inquiries, P-Prompts). Readers will learn that the FLIP IT strategy is nothing new, but transforms best practice into a strategy that is easy to remember, applicable in a variety of situations, and portable. The book includes the history behind FLIP IT, the best practices and evidence that inform the strategy, and it answers frequently asked questions about the strategy.
FLIP IT Practice Picture Book: This flip book offers examples of 25 different challenging moments and how to use the FLIP IT strategy in response to a variety of common challenges, including biting, throwing toys, refusing to cooperate, and more.
Visual Reminders (bracelets, stickers, display cards): All of us benefit from friendly reminders. Consider putting the stickers on a water bottle, the display cards near a work station or personal space, and wear the bracelet for a reminder of the strategy’s four steps.