The DCRC Blog is for any adult working with and caring for young children (birth through five). It consists of posts about resilience, social and emotional well-being, how you can promote both in young children and in yourself, and more related topics!
When Moral Distress is Present, Moral Resilience is Necessary
Moral resilience also involves cultivating self-regulation and self-awareness to recognize when integrity is threatened. With this foundation, we are better able to name the ethical problem, inquire into the facts and determine the action that supports integrity.
Celebrating 20 Years of Resilience
I feel tremendous pride as I reflect on the positive impact the DECA Program has had on children (millions have been assessed), families and communities (tens of thousands of professionals have been trained) these last 20 years. I am equally proud of the role Devereux has played in elevating the nation’s focus on young children’s social and emotional health.
Think and Act in the Name of Prevention
In a time where there never seems to be enough time, I challenge us all to think critically about the environments, skills and experiences that all children need to be successful in school and in life. When we think and act in the name of prevention, we can have a huge impact on the lives of young children, the people they are to become, and the world we all share!
Focusing on Togetherness During the Holidays
For many families, the holidays are spent dashing around trying to find those perfect presents, slaving over a hot stove cooking up family feasts and scurrying from one festivity to another. As the whirlwind weeks go by and stress levels soar, it might be time to slow down and remember what is important: spending time with the ones you love. Devereux Center for Resilient Children (DCRC) Early Childhood Specialist and National Trainer Nefertiti B. Poyner, Ed.D., offers tips for families to focus on togetherness during the holiday season.
Future of America Learning Center: Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Key to Success
The nonprofit Future of America Learning Center (FALC), which provides educational programs, child care and youth activities to children of a local healthcare workers union, and to those from the broader community, made a commitment to the implementation of the DECA Program more than 10 years ago.
Capital District Child Care Council & the DECA Program
The Capital District Child Care Council (CDCCC), located in Albany NY, serves six counties in the Capital region and Mohawk Valley. The Social Emotional Development Services team works directly with the DCRC staff and resources to provide quality social and emotional support to communities across counties.
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