Professional Development

The Devereux Center for Resilient Children (DCRC) offers a variety of professional development opportunities, focused on the social and emotional health of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and the adults who care for them.
Participants of our high-quality professional development events gain knowledge and skills that support their efforts to promote children’s resilience. Events are designed to support a diverse audience, including direct care providers, support staff, home visitors, managers, mental health specialists and consultants. DCRC professional development events not only strengthen the skills of participants, but serve as an impetus for positive change in the lives of children and families served by the professionals who attend.
About Our Certified Trainers
The Devereux Center for Resilient Children has built a reputation for providing high-quality professional development experiences for those who work with young children. All DCRC Certified Trainers are selected based on educational credentials, along with extensive professional and practical experiences in the field of early childhood and/or mental health.
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